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Introduction to the MVR evaporation system

MVR evaporators for mechanical vapor recompression, mechanical vapor recompression. MVR evaporation system is reused itself to produce secondary steam energy, thus reducing the energy demand of a technology to the outside world. In the early 60 s, Germany and France have successfully applied this technology to chemical, pharmaceutical, paper making, sewage treatment and seawater desalination industry, etc. Its working process is low temperature by the compressor of the steam compression, temperature, pressure, heat enthalpy increase, and then enter the condensing heat exchanger, in order to make full use of the latent heat of steam. In addition to the drive to start, the born without steam in the evaporation process.
Multi-effect evaporation process and evaporator one effect of the secondary steam can't directly as the effect of heat, only as a work or several effect of the heat source. As the effect of heat must be additional to the energy, the temperature (pressure). Compression is only a part of secondary steam, steam jet pump and MVR evaporators is compressible all secondary steam in the evaporator.
Solution evaporation in a jar, through material circulating pump in heating tube loop. Initial steam with fresh outside the tube to heat, heat the solution to produce secondary steam boiling, secondary steam produced by the heat pump suction, after pressurization, secondary steam temperature rise, heat exchanger cycle evaporation as a heat source of heat. Normal boot, heat pump will be secondary steam inhalation, after charging into the heating steam, so continuous cycle evaporation. The evaporation of water eventually become condensed water discharge.
MVR heat pump, also known as steam compression pump, compressor, etc., are mainly divided into screw steam compressor, roots type compressor and centrifugal compressor steam, etc.

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